But that is just not true for 91% of the worlds’ population. We believe that we are Manifestors and can thus do anything, anytime we want to. There is this faulty belief in the world that we should all just ‘do it’. Most of us have been taught, cajoled or brought up as children to believe that we must initiate action.

Pure Generators are people who have their Sacral Center activated and turned on all the time but have no connection to the human manifestation and expression center, the Throat Center. It is also the center of our sexuality and thus ensures the continuation of our kind. It creates the vital life-force energy required for action, living life, doing and creating. The Sacral Center in their body is the key to their pure power. Generators are the people who provide continual power and life-force energy to the world. Generator Human Design Generator Generators are 36% of the worlds’ population